PANGU v5.00 was released on 2019-Sep-08. It includes the ability to pass images directly to ffmpeg (or similar) for MP4 movie output from the viewer, a new tool called pan2cad to convert PANGU models into CAD formats (OBJ, STL, Collada), and the ability to import OBJ files into the surface modeller as ICQ files for asteroid/small body modelling. PANGU can increase the resolution of the imported OBJ/ICQ files, add craters, boulders and albedo/colour maps as shown below.

Radiation modelling in the viewer has been updated to resolve issues with earlier releases: charge can be deposited equally into the RGB channels rather than being split into three, and cosmic ray trails that cross can increase charge in intersecting pixels rather than replacing. The original behaviour is used by default for backwards compatability with the new settings applied to the v5 example models and reference INI files.